The RPC Story
The Red Pine Camp Story
Red Pine Camp has been in operation for nearly a century, providing a family getaway from the city life. Located on Golden Lake, Ontario, nestled in a large grove of Red Pine trees, Red Pine Camp is Canada’s largest shareholder-owned, family camp hosting more than 2,100 campers every summer. Campers are a range of ages, some families boasting 4 generations in attendance.
Established in 1925, Red Pine was owned by the YMCA and offered camping to families in August, after its July boy’s camp “On-Da-Da-Waks”. In 1928 the campers took over the management of the family camp programming from the YMCA, and began the successful camp we enjoy today.
In 1973, the family campers organized themselves to offer shares to campers in order to purchase the camp property from the Y with the sale of 536 shares. To raise further funds, a second share offering occurred in 1981.
Nearing its centenary, Red Pine Camp has developed into a successful camping experience for families who attend from all over the world. Follow this link to read the chronology of the camp.
The Board of Directors develops a five-year plan to guide the camp operations toward its continued success. Follow this link to read the five-year summaries of camp operations from 1973 onward.
Two books have been written about Red Pine Camp. The first, “Keep Your Forks. Fifty Years at Red Pine Camp.” by Col. G.W.L. Nicholson a lighthearted look at camping in the early days. The title is a nod to what the waitstaff would say at the end of a meal if pie was the dessert, and it means to Red Pine campers “the best is yet to come”. The second book was written by Gordon Campbell, “Here’s to Dear Old Golden Lake. The origins of Red Pine Camp Incorporated.” This book is a detailed look at the history of the camp and the people who were a large part of its creation.
Red Pine Mission, Vision & Values
At Red Pine Camp our Mission is to provide a safe, engaging environment where campers make memories and grow together in community with family and friends.
To Provide a lifetime of memorable Camp experiences for generations of families, friends and staff.
RPC is a Community that Values:
Respect – for the Community and the individual.
Caring – being considerate of each other and our surroundings.
Inclusiveness – Fostering a sense of belonging for all regardless of any kind of difference. Being committed to equitable treatment and the elimination of discrimination in all its forms.
Participation – giving time, energy and skills to benefit camp and the camp community.
Personal and Community Development – supporting our intergenerational camp community; acknowledging our traditions and continuing to learn and grow together.
Environmental Stewardship – living in and among, caring for and learning about our environment.
Fun – embracing laughter, enthusiasm and joy!
Fun Facts
Looking Ahead to the Future
Red Pine Camp 5 Year Plan
The current five-year corporate plan spans 2016 – 2020. Adopted by the Board of Directors in March of 2016, there were 9 main focus areas identified within camp. The primary focus was repairing and replacing the aging infrastructure of Camp to last another 100 years. To that end, the 100 for 100 program was developed, whereby campers can donate $100 a year (or more), reaching $800 at the Centenary Year (2025). Each $800 donation will receive a personalized plaque on a special donation board. Large memorial donations are also welcome to be added to this program.
If you are interested in joining the 100 for 100 program, contact the office for details.
Red Pine Camp 2025 Plans
Plans for the 100th anniversary celebration are just beginning. Please stay tuned for more details as they are unveiled. Want to volunteer to help? Or, do you have an amazing idea for the team? Contact the office to add your name or great idea to the list.